
This blog is just a place for family and friends to see what we're up to, without our having to generate more paper waste. It will not contain profound wisdom (not intentially, anyway), or snazzy graphics, and may even contain grammatical errors. I may occasionally post my opinion of what's happening in the USA and the world, but not very often.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

2005 Dominican Republic Trip: Wednesday, August 17

We were up and on the road by about 8 – pretty early for us! Rick led devotions. Jenny was delighted to find that Millie had fixed oatmeal for breakfast. Millie cooks it with vanilla, and has cinnamon, raisins, and brown sugar to add. The juice was also very good.

Annie, Allie and Susan did home visits with Andres and Luis, and I worked at the construction site. I managed to carry seven concrete blocks, one at a time, before I was too hot. So I went to the schoolroom with the water thermos, where Dr. Bill was conducting clinic. Roxy and I had the opportunity to get better acquainted, and Noranne joined us, so we were able to discuss plans for our get-together with the women of Los Botadas.

Vonda asked me to take the video camera and get some footage of the Dominican doctors. The battery was quite low, so I only got a few minutes. Then I took photographs with various team members’ cameras, and made sure everyone had plenty of water. I also delivered messages between the doctors and the pharmacy.

We piled on the truck for the trip back to the church around 12:30 or 1:00. Lunch was spaghetti, fried plaintains, salad and fruit. Vonda told Millie the spaghetti was better than anything offered in the finest Italian restaurants. I agree – it was excellent! I ate more than I have at any of our other meals.

Juanita introduced us to her son – she’s taken a liking to Susan, Roxy and me, since our nice long visit on Monday. Dr. Bill, Noranne, Dr. Chavez, and Roxy stayed back, and were to conduct a training session for AIDS/HIV education with some of the teens.

The rest of us returned to the school. It had clouded up and was much cooler. That made me much more comfortable. The banos at the school are quite deluxe, so I didn’t mind needing to make more frequent visits!