
This blog is just a place for family and friends to see what we're up to, without our having to generate more paper waste. It will not contain profound wisdom (not intentially, anyway), or snazzy graphics, and may even contain grammatical errors. I may occasionally post my opinion of what's happening in the USA and the world, but not very often.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Newlyweds Brenda and Carl Rehbein
(Hopefully, I'll be able to upload a better picture another time.)

Ken and Sally Rehbein

Aunt Margaret & Uncle Jim Koch

Our son's family - Mike, Devion and Laura.

At the Reception

Cousins Melanie and Lydia Rehbein

Meet the Rehbeins

These are the Rehbeins - Back row is Elly, Terri, Carl, Wilma, and Fred; Front row is Sally, Ken and Ruth