
This blog is just a place for family and friends to see what we're up to, without our having to generate more paper waste. It will not contain profound wisdom (not intentially, anyway), or snazzy graphics, and may even contain grammatical errors. I may occasionally post my opinion of what's happening in the USA and the world, but not very often.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Summer is just flying by this year! I have the opportunity to go with another team, to a different part of the Dominican Republic. Past trips have been to Los Botados in Yamasa. This one will be to a community in the capitol city, Santo Domingo. More details below:

Can you imagine a section of your town or city getting washed away every time there is a heavy rain. Or perhaps you have encountered a family so poor that the shelter they call a home barely protects them from basic elements.

I am writing to share an opportunity I have to be a part of a team serving in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. We will be in a part of Santo Domingo where poverty prevents some of the basic things we take for granted, such as indoor plumbing and adequate sewer & drainage.
As a team we will contribute to the building of a drainage system, work with the people in Santo Domingo to totally rebuild a home for a family of 7, lead Vacation Bible School, and spend time with the children and their parents to build bridges that will lead to long-term relationships between us and the people in this community.

We will be leaving August 18th and returning on August 25th. I am excited about the opportunity to serve and to minister, and I ask you to prayerfully consider joining our team through your support. You can do so in at least two ways.

First, please partner with me in praying for the people we will be serving, for my health and effectiveness as a team member, and for the many details of this trip. The trip is being funded entirely through donations, and by those going on the mission trip.

Second, please consider supporting me financially for this outreach. The cost of this 8 day trip is $1600. If you would like to join the team in this way, please make your tax-deductible gift payable to “Crossroads Church” and send it to: Crossroads Church, 3815 S. Dutch Mill Rd., Madison, WI 53718 (Find addressed envelope enclosed). Please be sure to write “SHEILA DR MISSION TRIP” in the memo line. I will send you a receipt for use on your tax return. I thank you in advance for your prayers and your financial support.

May God bless you richly!

I will support you in the following way:

___ Through a financial contribution in the amount of $________;

___ By praying for you and the team
