
This blog is just a place for family and friends to see what we're up to, without our having to generate more paper waste. It will not contain profound wisdom (not intentially, anyway), or snazzy graphics, and may even contain grammatical errors. I may occasionally post my opinion of what's happening in the USA and the world, but not very often.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Saturday, June 24

After showers, we had a light breakfast at the camp. We were on the road by 9:10 a.m., which was only ten minutes past when we were supposed to be on the road! That’s something of a record, I think.

We stopped at one home so Karyn could deliver a gift to her sponsored child, and we stopped for bottles of water. We also stopped so Martires and Vonda could go to the construction site and look for the memory card from Vonda’s camera. They did not find it, and there were a LOT of pictures on that card! In Santo Domingo, we stopped to get gas in the truck and so several of us could use the facilities. Then we went shopping in the “Miguel” Gift Shop, which we visit every year. While there, we visited with a team of Nazarenes from Washington, DC, and there was another team from Ohio working with FH! Andres, who was with our team in 2005, was with that team. They’d been in Constanza, and were heading back to the US later on Sunday than we were. We also learned they’d be staying at the same place we were for the night.

Then we drove to the chicken place for lunch. The chicken was very good, and we also had yucca, and rice. The mustard bottle on the tables holds yucca oil & lime, not mustard. It’s a little salty for me, but some on the team like it.

We then headed to the resort where it rained all afternoon. Some of the team went for a walk, while some of us chose to just rest up. I wrote some in my journal (I got through Tuesday), hoping to capture the memories before they fade.

At supper, we learned that Carol and Karyn were sick, and Casey was resting because she wasn’t feeling quite up to par, either. She came for the meeting after supper, though. Vonda presented Martires and Victor with their models of the church (given to last year’s team), and we took pictures and exchanged hugs. Kristy (Martires’ wife) and their children were there, as well as Victor’s wife, Lucy. We enjoyed a nice visit. We also took a few pictures with both teams (Ohio & WI) together. Then off to bed – we had an early flight to catch!